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This translation is OK, but in the originai it really says...

In “The Original Manuscripts,” The Bible Says…




Be very skeptical when you hear these words come from someone's mouth. Few things have caused more damage in local churches than when pastors and others say things like:

“In the original manuscript, the word here really means_____”
“The Greek word for this is______”
“A better rendering in the original would be_____”

This is very misleading because there are only fragments of the original manuscripts in existence today. We have thousands of copies, but not the complete set of original manuscripts. Many critics of the Bible think it is impossible to believe the Bible is divinely inspired because of this very point. However, Bible believers rely on divinely preserved copies and not the existence of the original manuscripts. We believe them to be trustworthy by faith (2Cor. 5:7)





In the average American local church, no one speaks Greek or Hebrew. This begs the question, “Why do so many pastors think it is a good practice to sprinkle their sermons with foreign languages (e.g., Greek, Hebrew, Latin or Aramaic)?” English words only need good English dictionaries for definitions. When someone appeals to the “original languages,” they are suggesting by this practice that the Bible has mistakes in it. This can easily turn into a prideful practice, especially by pastors. Once this starts, it rarely ends. These individuals become more and more convinced that there is always a better word or words than the English Bible’s version (e.g., KJV 1769). These "textual critics" give their  audiences the impression that they have a special private interpretation of the originals that is superior to the audience's Bibles. This is handling the word of God deceitfully (2Cor. 4:2). 



Ignorance is not bliss! The apostle Paul (our pattern/ 1Tim. 1:16), had something to say about clear and simple communications. He said he would rather speak five clearly understood words, than ten thousand unfamiliar words (1Cor. 14:19; 2Cor. 2:12). Preachers and Bible teachers should follow Paul's worthy example.



This ministry ( disagrees with the practice of not speaking plainly. We believe that mankind has God’s word inspired and preserved in a single book. Be a Bible believer, not a Bible corrector or doubter. We encourage people to believe the Bible. Do not put blind faith in an individual’s retranslated “opinions.” We Believers can live our entire lives without knowing a single Greek or Hebrew word and still be enlightened and God-approved Christians. If someone tells you otherwise, then you have found someone who wants dominion over your faith (2Cor, 1:24). We do recognize that allowances should be made for faithful workmen to make God’s word available in other languages across the world. This is different from certain individuals standing in pulpits retranslating Bible words and verses to fit their own doctrinal preferences. Again we say, be a Bible believer, not a Bible corrector or doubter (1Thess. 2:13).

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