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A  number of older adults remember the fictional monster character known as "Frankenstein." He was named after the fictional doctor that pieced him together by using several body parts from deceased people (like a human patch quilt). From an ethical standpoint, "Frankenstein" should not have been created. It was totally wrong to dig up the graves of several people and create "Frankenstein". Although the sinister "Dr. Frankenstein" is fictional, today, there are religious "Dr. Frankensteins" in our midst. These individuals and groups (knowingly or unknowingly, God knows) are instruments of the devil (Rom.6:12-14; 2Cor.11:3-4). We can find quite a few  of these religious "Dr. Frankensteins" and their false teachings in many religions, denominations, TV ministries, radio ministries, Internet ministries, Bible study groups and street ministries. They engage in the practice of randomly selecting Bible verses to support their wrong beliefs and agendas. This practice is called proof texting. Proof texting always leads to "Frankenstein" Bible doctrines."


You may be asking, why are there so many wrong and totally confusing Bible doctrines being taught? What is the root cause behind all of this doctrinal confusion? We believe the cause for this mess is twofold. First, they have a wrong biblical understanding of the singular most important doctrine in the Bible, Salvation for Today  (1Cor.15:1-4). Secondly, it is their failure to "Rightly Divide" the Bible in general (2Tim.2:15). This is especially true among most of the largest religions and denominations. For example, when an individual or group gets the Bible doctrine of Salvation for Today wrong, they are wasting their time moving on to any other Bible doctrine (2Cor.4:3-4). This is the one and only Bible doctrine that if you get it wrong, nothing else in the Bible matters (Gal. 1:8-9). When you do a thorough investigation, you will find that this doctrine of Salvation for Today is frequently misunderstood and generally misrepresented by many individuals and religious groups.



















Many of these are the same groups that often claim that the Bible is their final authority in all matters. The unintended consequences for getting this most important doctrine wrong is, a lot of people will go to Hell when they die (2Cor. 5:11; Gal.1:8-9). You and I must get this doctrine right,

the eternal destiny of our never -dying souls is depending on it.


It may all seem so confusing, whether you are a professing Believer or not. You may have

concluded that the Bible is just too difficult to understand. Please keep in mind that the Bible is a spiritual book, therefore you must first become a Believer in order to meaningfully benefit from it (1Cor.2:14). This website's home page tells you how you can be saved today. We strongly urge you to read it carefully and look up all the Bible references (Rom.14:5b). If it passes your evaluation, you should trust in Jesus' payment for your "Salvation Today." The apostle Paul writes that we (Believers, new and  old) should study the Bible (1Tim.2:4; 2Tim.2:15) in order to be better equipped in our service for God. We strongly advise you to always respect the context of the verses you read and the verses that you formulate your doctrines with. Also, ask the right questions of the "text", (Who is speaking?, Who is in the audience?, What is the "text" saying?, Am I in the audience of the "text"?, and Should I literally put the things mentioned in the

"text" into practice in my own life today?).


Regretfully,  too many "Christian" groups that use the Bible to validate their beliefs use the proof texting,  cut and paste technique. Their disregard for the integrity of the Bible is made apparent by their wrong use of Bible verses (2Cor. 4:2). Proof texting groups in general are not interested in studying the Bible contextually. There are more than 31,000 verses in the Bible (KJV-1769). They often only use a few verses, and they frequently misrepresent those few.























It is reasonable to conclude that many verses in the Bible would be difficult correctly understand (2Tim2:15) if we isolated them from their immediate context. This is an important considerations to keep in mind when unfamiliar Bible doctrines are presented to you. If you wrongly change or twist one Bible verse, you are as wrong as if you were to twist hundreds of verses (Matt.4:4; 2Tim.3:16-17). Respect God's Word as much as He does (Psalms 138:2; Prov. 30:5-6)."


As ambassadors for Christ (2Cor.5:20), we Believers should diligently avoid proof texting. Again, this is the practice of twisting Bible verses, regardless of the motives. Believers today must learn to be okay with "not being in the audience" in many parts of the Bible. We know and believe that the entire Bible is beneficial (2Tim.3:16-17). Nonetheless, we should also know and believe that not all of the Bible is written for our (Christians today) participation (e.g., build an Ark /Gen.6:14 or keep the Law/Rom.6:14). Learning to study the Bible correctly includes learning what not to think, say and/or do (Eph.3:2; Col.1:25; Phil.4:8-9; 2Tim.2:14-16).


It is worth repeating that we Believers should beware of

individuals and groups that put "Frankenstein/ patch quilt" Bible doctrines together by  jumping around and "cherry-picking" verses. Instead of allowing God's written word to instruct them on what to believe (2Cor.4:2;), Bible hopscotchers come to the Bible with their own beliefs and rummage around the Bible in search of support for those beliefs (e.g., 2Peter 3:16). The creature "Frankenstein" should never have existed. Similarly, proof texting should never be a part of a Christian’s Bible study habits.  















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