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Here is the question, you do the math. A correct understanding of the Bible /2Tim. 2:15) plus your God given intelligence equals what? Be fully persuaded about your answer to this important question (Rom. 14:5).


We believe that the answer to the above question is, "Everything should be done decently and in order" (1 Cor. 3:10-15, 14:40; 2Cor. 5:18-19; 1 Tim. 2:3-4). We also believe the Bible as it stands and we don't greek it, tweak it, adjust it or correct it. There are over three quarters of a million words in the Bible (KJV), and over 31 thousand verses in it. These facts alone should compel all sincere Christians to get busy studying this huge amount of  information from God (2Tim. 2:2,15). The most committed Christians strive to progressively learn this God inspired and preserved material. 


Now, on the subjects of "Praise and Worship," let's consider how they were done under the law, compared to now under grace. The word "worship," especially in the Old Testament, generally indicates showing profound reverence and submission to someone or something. Most certainly Believers today should be reverent and submissive towards God. Nonetheless, the manifestation of our reverence and devotion towards God today is different from theirs under the law program. Biblical "worship" took various forms back then, notice the context of the verses.




*It frequently involved bowing the head,

kneeling and/or laying face down (Ex. 34:8;

Joshua 5:14; 1Chron. 29:20; 2Chron. 7:3;

Ps. 95:6) 17:24)

*It was sometimes combined with lifted hands,

a sacrifice and incense burning

(1Sam. 1:3; 2Chron. 29:28, 32:12; Neh. 8:6)

*It was something done in the direction of the

 holy temple (Ps. 5:7, 138:2)

*It was also done in the "Lord's" house

(in Jerusalem/ Ps. 116:19; Jer. 26:2)





 In a controlled manner, praises were performed, spoken and sung to God under the Law program  (e.g., Judg. 5:1-2; Neh. 5:13; Luke 1:64; Rom. 15:9). You may be asking, how can Christians best demonstrate our reverence and high esteem to God today? We can progressively present ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. This would be the reasonable thing to do (Rom. 12:1). You may be wondering, what does this look like in action?


>We should first correctly learn the material in the Bible (1Tim. 4:13; 2Tim. 2:15)


>We should make God's priorities our priorities (1Tim. 2:3-4)


>We should correctly teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Col. 3:16)


>We should do everything to the glory of God and be thankful (Col.3:17)


>We should pray to God with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6)


>We should not be fools or suckers in this world (Rom. 14:5; 2Cor. 2:11; 1Thes. 5:21)


Philippians 3:3 says in part that we should "...worship God in the spirit...and have no confidence in the flesh." 1Cor. 14:32 makes it clear that the prophets were in complete control of their own spirits. This fact leaves no room for claims by any Christian that they can't physically and emotionally control themselves in their local church. A lot of very sincere but  misguided individuals make the following claims and behave in the following inappropriate ways in their local churches:


>"I couldn't control myself because I was caught up in the Spirit."


>"I couldn't control myself because I was I filled with the Holy Ghost."


>Sometimes they shout, jump, cry loudly, and/or moan uncontrollably.


>Sometimes they impulsively stand up and stare up at the ceiling or close their eyes while waving their arms and bodies uncontrollably.


When Christians "Praise and Worship" God correctly in their local churches today, it should sound and look in harmony with God's word, correctly understood (1Cor. 14:32-33, 40; Eph. 2:10; 1Tim. 3:15; Titus 3:8, 14).



*Today, God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands (Acts 17:24)

*Today, praying with lifted hands includes keeping  God's present day agenda in mind as we pray (1Tim. 2:1-8) 

*Today, after we are saved, Christians "worship/serve" God by studying the Bible, praying, feiiowshipping with other Believers, living godly, evangelizing and edifying others (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 2:10; Phil. 1:27; 1Tim. 2:3-4; 2Tim. 2:15)

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