First things first, please, stop for a moment and give some serious thought about your eternal destiny. We will all exit this life to either Heaven or Hell (1Thess. 4:13-18; 2Thess. 1:8-10; Rev. 20:14). If you haven't already done so, we strongly urge you to place your sincere faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ (His death, burial and resurrection, His blood - 1Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 1:7 & 13). This alone will eternally save your never-dying soul. Satan wants you to trust in anything and everything but the finished work of Jesus Christ. Satan would not care if you dropped into Hell with a Bible in each hand. As long as you get God's plan of Salvation for today wrong (Gal. 1:6-9) and you end up spending eternity in Hell and ultimately the Lake of Fire (Luke 16:19-31; Rev. 20:14), Satan will be happy. On the other hand, we should all thank God that Salvation for today is as simple as 1,2,3.
*Number one, we all need forgiveness (Rom. 5:12).
*Number two, God wants to save us (1Tim. 2:3-6).
*Number three, Jesus Christ has made it possible for God to forgive us. Once again, if you sincerely place your trust (your faith), in the finished work of Jesus Christ, (specifically in His death, burial and resurrection, His blood alone), you will be saved at that moment in time (Rom. 4:5; 1Cor. 15:1-4; 2Cor. 5:19; Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
After you are saved by the cross work (1Cor. 1:18) of Jesus, you should next strive to progressively serve Him out of gratitude for what He has done for you (Rom. 5:8, 12:1; Eph. 2:10). Every Believer's work/service for God will be evaluated for its quality (1Cor. 3:13). Our apostle Paul (2Tim. 1:11), by permission (2Cor. 12:1; Gal. 1:12), instructs Believers to be like himself (1Cor. 4:16, 11:1), a wise master builder, in our work for the Lord (1Cor. 3:10). The warning in 1Cor. 3 should motivate all Believers to strive to be careful, faithful, meticulous and diligent in our service to God.
On this website, we boldly examine some Bible topics that are too often overlooked. Amazingly, it has been our observation that several of these topics are considered hot-button issues (e.g., Is Salvation plus or minus works today? How do I evaluate churches and their leaders? How and what should I pray for today? Are Christians required to tithe today?). In life, we receive two types of education, the one we are given and the one we give to ourselves. The Bereans were given an education from Paul and then they gave themselves an education by searching the Scriptures daily, to find out if what Paul told them was true (Acts 17:10-12). The Bereans were fact-checkers, and Paul complemented them for that practice. Honest people are willing to change their minds if the facts change or if they are clearly shown to be wrong (Acts 18:24-28). This ministry hopes to add some useful tools to your Bible study toolbox. We pray that these additional tools will assist you in your pursuit to accurately understand the Bible (2Tim. 2:15).